What’s New for 2024

You’re unique. That’s why CSL offers comprehensive benefit options to support your and your family’s unique needs. Here are the main benefit changes we’re making for 2024.

There are no changes to your medical, dental or vision plans in 2024. And good news! Meritain Health and UMR medical plan contribution rates are not changing.

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Contribute More to Your HSA

In 2024, you can contribute up to $4,150 to your Health Savings Account (HSA) if you have employee-only coverage and up to $8,300 if you cover at least one dependent. If you’re 55 or older, you can contribute an additional $1,000. Keep in mind that these limits include any amounts that CSL contributes on your behalf.

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CSL Contributes to the HSA Plan

CSL contributes to your Health Savings Account (HSA): $500 if you have employee-only coverage and $1,000 if you cover at least one dependent. Be sure to enroll in the HSA if you select the HDHP with HSA medical plan option.

Important! To receive CSL’s HSA contribution, you must take action and agree to the HSA terms and conditions. The HSA employer contributions are deposited in equal installments over each pay period throughout the year.

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The Next Evolution of Teladoc Virtual Primary Care

If you’re enrolled in a Meritain Health or UMR medical plan, you can always use Teladoc for occasional, common health care issues like sinus problems, allergies, or cold and flu symptoms. And you’ll be glad to know that the cost for a Teladoc visit is still $0.

Starting in January 2024, you can take your online care a step further with Teladoc’s Primary360. Start by selecting a board-certified primary care doctor and meeting with them by phone or video. You’ll see the same doctor every time you need care, so you can develop a personal relationship with them, and they can help you stay up to date on your screenings and tests. You also have access to a dedicated Care Team — at no cost to you — that can help you check your vitals, coordinate lab and imaging orders, assist with referrals to specialists, and answer questions.

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Accolade: Even More Comprehensive Care for What Matters to You

As a Meritain Health or UMR medical plan member, you and your family have always been able to connect with Accolade experts who can provide personalized assistance in navigating your benefits. And now, you also have access to Accolade’s full suite of clinical services to help you improve your health and wellbeing. There’s something for everyone, including:

  • Expert medical opinions: Get quick and easy access to a second medical opinion. It’s the best way to avoid higher costs from unnecessary surgeries and procedures.
  • Pharmacy support: Accolade nurses work with you to ensure you understand your medications, how to take them, and the importance of taking them as prescribed.
  • Maternity management: Receive comprehensive support before and during pregnancy, as well as after delivery.
  • Treatment decision support: Accolade will partner with you and your providers to assess the pros and cons of any specific treatment and will provide evidence-based medical information.
  • Behavioral health support: Accolade can connect you with behavioral health experts who can help you with a wide range of needs. You can get answers to your questions and information about which programs are free and which may have a fee.
  • Complex care management: If you have a complex care need, such as a high-risk pregnancy, cancer or a transplant, you can receive specialized support from Accolade-certified case managers. They’ll get to know your unique situation and help make it easier for you to manage your health.

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Explore Your 2024 Benefits

Find out more about CSL's plans and programs by reviewing the helpful information our benefit partners have provided.

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